Please note that if you ever want to manually block dates for your rental (e.g. phone booking, relatives in town, renovation etc) you always have to block dates on Hosthub, and ONLY on Hosthub, to make sure they get blocked on all other channels. This is a good opportunity to explain how the system works:
There are 2 types of calendar events: Bookings and Blocks.ย
A booking is an actual confirmed reservation that comes from a channel. The channels always have precedence for bookings. That means that the channels are the main source of truth for these events. Even if we remove bookings from the Hosthub calendar, if they still exist in the channel, they will re-appear shortly after.
A block is a manual block for specific dates to make sure the dates are not available on the channels. Hosthub is the main source of truth for these events. That means that even if you free some blocked dates directly on e.g. Airbnb, if the dates are blocked on Hosthub, they will be blocked again on Airbnb after a while.
Please always keep the above in mind, to make sure that your calendars are always properly synced.