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How to Use Hosthub Passcode Creation and Sharing Functionality for Smart Home Devices

Christos Lolas avatar
Written by Christos Lolas
Updated over 8 months ago

Are you looking for a way to streamline your guest check-in process? Look no further than Hosthub's access code creation and sharing functionality. This feature allows you to easily automate your workflow when using smart home devices like smart locks or key lockboxes for remote and self check-ins.

What is Hosthub access code creation and sharing functionality?

Hosthub's access code creation and sharing functionality is a feature that allows you to store unique per booking access codes for your guests to use when checking in to your rental property. These access codes can be used to unlock smart locks or key lockboxes, providing a seamless and secure check-in process for your guests.

Hosthub provides two types of access control tools. Hosts using access devices that are not directly integrated with Hosthub, can create and store their access codes manually. Hosts that use one of the access control platforms that have an integration with Hosthub, the codes generation is a fully automatic and seamless process. Currently Hosthub integrates with the TTLock platform.

In both cases, sharing the generated codes with your guests is fully automated using the Automated messaging feature.

For more details on the above options see the following articles:

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